1. America is demanding that all J6 CONVICTIONS be THROWN OUT and prisoners falsely convicted be RELEASED and set free.
2. America is demanding an INVESTIGATION into…
1. The J6 Select Pelosi partisan committee
2. The FBI’s surveillance of American citizens from Dec 16th – Jan 7th and beyond.
3. A full and thorough investigation of ALL American citizens deaths on Jan 6th
4. The DOJ collaboration with Administration and FBI to weaponize powers of state against American citizens.

GRIEVANCE! Pelosi Violation of the Laws and Pelosi Partisan J6 Committee


Step #1 -Intentionally left the capital vulnerable by refusing requests for National guard three times when requested by officials
Step #2 -Left Capitol and Metro Police ill equipped for volume of protesters
Step #3 -Set up the Metro and Capitol Police to fail as reported by Police
Step #4 -Established an extremely bias, J6 panel with malicious intent to engineer a false narrative
Step #5 -Hired a Hollywood Producer to traumatize the nation with edited cut and pasted videos to shock the American public for maximum partisan affect – WITH TAX PAYERS MONEY!
Step #6 -Refused access to Bipartisan Congressmen to challenge and correct erroneous remarks and information
Step #7 -Denied access to J6 committee from eye witnesses opposing the narrative campaign
Step #8 -Authorized Metro Police to fire munitions on American protesters resulting in deaths 4 Americans, injuring hundreds and provoking fury on American people

Was J6 committee findings publicized nation-wide with theatrics and propaganda to set up for a 100% conviction of every J6 defendant’s upcoming trial? YES
Has this partisan J6 Committee violated the civil rights of every J6 defendants? YES


2682 – display signature count


1000000 – display signature goal


GRIEVANCE! DOJ, DC Trial Judges and FBI – Violations of Law

DOJ – Department of Justice:
Sealed and withheld evidence that would exonerate defendants
Misused article 1512 and perverted laws to seriously charge American citizens
Knowingly bared false witness against innocent Americans and submitted false information to detain and indict citizens and lied to American public

FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation:
Planted evidence against American defendants to detain and indict them
Knowingly bore false witness against innocent Americans and submitted false information to detain and indict citizens and lied to American public
Knowingly lied in court against J6 defendants
Threatened and coerced defendants to pled guilty or face enhancement charges that resulted in four suicides of J6 defendants

JUDGES – District of Columbia Federal Court Judges:
Suppressed evidence and stifled lawyers’ ability for a fair and proper defense
Favored government Prosecutors allowing the distortion and misuse of American Laws & Statues

Did any J6 defendants receive a fair and impartial trial? NO
Did any defendant receive due process and a right to a proper defense? NO

What does America want you to do? Sign the petition to free the thousands of tortured citizens held falsely
accused in prison. Signatures are NOT made public. Sign petition below!
What will we do with signatures? With 1 million signatures we will take them to Congress for action


  1. America is demanding that all J6 CONVICTIONS be THROWN OUT and prisoners falsely convicted be RELEASED and set free.
  2. America is demanding an INVESTIGATION into…
  3. The J6 Select Pelosi partisan committee
  4. The FBI’s surveillance of American citizens from Dec 16th - Jan 7th and beyond.
  5. A full and thorough investigation of ALL American citizens deaths on Jan 6th
  6. The DOJ collaboration with Administration and FBI to weaponize powers of state against American citizens. GRIEVANCE! Pelosi Violation of the Laws and Pelosi Partisan J6 Committee TO FRAME PROTESTERS Step #1 -Intentionally left the capital vulnerable by refusing requests for National guard three times when requested by officials Step #2 -Left Capitol and Metro Police ill equipped for volume of protesters Step #3 -Set up the Metro and Capitol Police to fail as reported by Police Step #4 -Established an extremely bias, J6 panel with malicious intent to engineer a false narrative Step #5 -Hired a Hollywood Producer to traumatize the nation with edited cut and pasted videos to shock the American public for maximum partisan affect - WITH TAX PAYERS MONEY! Step #6 -Refused access to Bipartisan Congressmen to challenge and correct erroneous remarks and information Step #7 -Denied access to J6 committee from eye witnesses opposing the narrative campaign Step #8 -Authorized Metro Police to fire munitions on American protesters resulting in deaths 4 Americans, injuring hundreds and provoking fury on American people Was J6 committee findings publicized nation-wide with theatrics and propaganda to set up for a 100% conviction of every J6 defendant’s upcoming trial? YES Has this partisan J6 Committee violated the civil rights of every J6 defendants? YES GRIEVANCE! DOJ, DC Trial Judges and FBI - Violations of Law DOJ – Department of Justice: TO CONVICT PROTESTERS Sealed and withheld evidence that would exonerate defendants Misused article 1512 and perverted laws to seriously charge American citizens Knowingly bared false witness against innocent Americans and submitted false information to detain and indict citizens and lied to American public FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation: Planted evidence against American defendants to detain and indict them Knowingly bore false witness against innocent Americans and submitted false information to detain and indict citizens and lied to American public Knowingly lied in court against J6 defendants Threatened and coerced defendants to pled guilty or face enhancement charges that resulted in four suicides of J6 defendants JUDGES – District of Columbia Federal Court Judges: Suppressed evidence and stifled lawyers’ ability for a fair and proper defense Favored government Prosecutors allowing the distortion and misuse of American Laws & Statues • Did any J6 defendants receive a fair and impartial trial? NO • Did any defendant receive due process and a right to a proper defense? NO What does America want you to do? Sign the petition to free the thousands of tortured citizens held falsely accused in prison. Scan QR code today in upper right hand corner or click here. Signatures are NOT made public. What will we do with signatures? With 1 million signatures we will take them to Congress for action

%%your signature%%

2,682 signatures = 0% of goal

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